Vital Adventure's

Monday, May 21, 2012

Mud Run Beach Fun!

This weekend was very busy but fun for Drew and me.  Drew signed up for the Emerald Coast's first Mud Run for Orphans - Emerald Coast Mud Run.  Drew and our friend Ryan Fox put a team together including Thad Wade, and Drew's co-worker Chelsea Will.  Hubby has been training very hard for the run and this was the real reason he dropped 30lbs.  I'll let Drew describe the fun.

"The Mud Run consisted of a 5k (3.1 miles) run through trails broken up by challenging but fun obstacles. The first was about 1/2 mile in and was a 50ft belly crawl under plastic mesh thru mud. It was a good way to cool off since our heat started at 3:45 on a muggy afternoon. Next was a 5 gallon water haul and course of hurdles. Another 1/2 mile jog brought us to the haystack hills- a couple of 3 tiered round hay bale mounds to crawl over. A short jaunt later brought us to the downhill slip-n-slide, which was a load of muddy fun, followed by a steep uphill mud tunnel crawl. (At this point we were absolutely filthy and loving it.) Next was the rice tote- hauling a 40lb sack of rice for a couple hundred yards. Then there was a tire course and a wall obstacle. A long set of monkey bars over a mud pit proved to be a challenge for the unprepared as several people landed with a splash, but not for yours truly :). As we came to the finishing stretch, a couple of two-story mud mountains stood in our way. My shoe came off on my first step of mountain #1 and I couldn't get it back on but no worries. I was up and over the mountains without slowing and 100 yards later brought us to the final barrier. One last 50' mud crawl through 3' deep muck turned us all the same shade of turd and filled our nether regions with grit. What a blast and all proceeds went to support Christian missions taking care of orphans in Africa, Haiti, and Ukraine. I can't wait until I get to do it again next year, and I am going to make Tina do it with me this time!!!" 

So that sums up The Mud Run.  My sister Erin and I drank Smoothies in the shade, and tried to get some descent pictures of the the team.  I was having a hard time at almost 7 1/2 months pregnant being in the direct sun and heat.  I kept on looking at the shower stations, which were Fire Trucks, with longing.  I have decided I am pretty much done being in the heat unless I am in the ocean or the pool!  Good thing we do not live too far from either.

Saturday evening we all ate at the Red Bar (I love their crab cakes!) to celebrate completing the run.  On Sunday Erin, Thad and I headed to PCB to have breakfast and meet Drew for some beach-time.  The ocean was very calm, and I was able to float on a raft for hours ;).  Overall we had a very fun but busy weekend.  I am so proud of the runners, and it makes me realize how out of shape I feel right now.  Hopefully in the future Drew, Tristan, and I will be able to run together (along with our future offspring).  

Before the Mud Run
The team crawling through the Mud Pit
After the Mud Run
Tristan Update:  We had a Doctor's Appointment this morning and everything is still going very good (Prayers are appreciated).  Tristan had a bit of a growth spurt within the past two weeks (I could definitely tell that my belly button was more stretched then it had been).  According to TheBump he is 4-5lbs this week and about 17-18 inches long! (I feel every bit of this; he kicks and moves from my rib cage to my lower belly.)  I think he enjoyed floating in the ocean yesterday; he was extremely active.  I think he is just practicing his swimming kicks.  BTW- my doctor also did the mud run this past weekend with her son (I am not sure how she finds the time to do all she does!)

1 comment:

  1. We did Red Bar on Sunday night! Next time we will all get together but with Tristan and Everett too :) the Mud Run looks similar to the Warrior Dash that they had in Jackson this year.
