This past month Drew, Tristan and I headed up to Cumming, GA to visit my sister Lauren, my brother-in-law Rin, and Baby Jeremiah! We have not seen them since November, and I was really getting anxious to see the cousins interact with each other. The weather was gorgeous, it was the perfect begining of Spring, with highs in the 70's we were able to have dinner outside each night. Tristan and Jeremiah sat in the playpen together, bonked heads together, and cried together. They are so adorable. The amazing thing is they have the same exact hair-color! I really was expecting Jeremiah to have Lauren's beautiful dark locks, but God has his surprises, and both Tristan and Jeremiah are sporting almost red hair ;).
I do have a fairly funny gross story to share. Tristan is now 8 months old and moving and grooving. You can imagine how hard diaper changes are. When we arrived at Lauren and Rin's on Saturday I decided to change Tristan's very peed diaper in the seat of the car (that is not the gross part). I made the decision not put his jeans back on him, and to just let him play in a diaper and a t-shirt (I now know the importance of onsies for the shear fact they keep diapers in place!). Tristan and I were playing in the backyard, and then it happened. I looked down at my legs, and I had two large streaks of poop across both legs and a turd stuck to my left leg. Aaaahhh! Groosssss!!! Tristan's diaper had completely shifted around him, and was no longer serving a purpose. I am yelling for help from Drew, as both he and Rin are laughing. Rin snaps a picture of me.. I don't think I ever want to see the picture or have it shared with anyone. I give Tristan to Drew as he holds him away from him fearful of the same fate. Drew repeatedly starts asking "So whats your plan of action here, Teen" (my nickname from Drew). Plan of action? I do not have a plan of action except to get clean. Tristan and I opted for a bath and our clothes went in the wash. I am very thankful this occured not in a public place. When I change a diaper I now give it a tug test, and I no longer slap those things on. Will it stay on no matter what? I sure hope so.

Me and the Babies
Look Mom we can stand!
Early Easter present from Jeremiah!
Lauren and the boys!
8 Months Old!
Tristan is eating baby food, gerber cookies, and still having formula.
We tried pear juice for the first time and he loves it.
Tristan is a pro at crawling now, he pulls himself up on everything (we make sure it is secure),
He loves his walker this is his favorite way of getting around.
New Milestone he is trying to stand on his own! Is walking around the corner?
His favorite toy is a dog toy Drew brought home. It is an octopus we call "Dred-Loctopus."
Tristan loves his pets. He is figuring out how to open Rudy's crate to let him out.
He loves chasing the dogs and cats in his walker. I am trying to teach him how to pet gently.
I feel like he is all over the place it clothes. I guess it depends upon the brand? a few 9 months,
mainly 12 months, and some 18 months.
I have no idea about height I am guessing 28-30" (we are in a stage two carseat).
weight 23-24lbs Drew weighed him the other day
We are excited to announce the birth of Baby Emily (Tristan's future partner in crime)!
Congrats Anna and David!
Kavanaugh Family!
Me and Miss Emily!
Happy Easter- Love Tina